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1o1 Damnations

Monday, October 4, 2010

Pop Torts

A lot of things sound like a good idea when you hear them for the first time, but it is only when you dig deeper and really think things through or barring that, rush ahead and put them into practice that you see the folly of ill-considered plans.  A case locally that comes to mind was the idea to raise additional funds for the school system by confiscating the vehicles of drivers convicted of DUI’s.  Sounds good on the surface, punish drunk drivers and help educate the children- great!  What kind of vehicles these planners thought they would be getting i have no idea, probably BMW’s, Jag’s, and Benz’s no doubt.  The plan begins to fall apart when the the cars start rolling in.  Worthless beaters every one.  Cars that no one in their right minds would buy or even take for free.  No one stopped to think that anyone with a car worth taking would be able to afford a slick lawyer to get it back.   The school system not only didn’t get any new money they had to pay to store or have hauled off a bunch of old junkers.

the same thing goes for mandatory sentences for drug dealers.  Seemed like a good way to fight the drug war until you realize now you have to release a bunch of violent rapists and murderers to make room for the endless parade of pot sellers.  Which makes no difference in the drug war anyway.  The “drug war” has been waged for decades yet there is not one person I know who cannot get any kind of drug they want with a few phone calls within 24 hours.  Huge waste of time and money.  On a related topic, this too could be fixed by instituting my policy of there being no such thing as prison overcrowding, if you can close the door there is room for one more.  I also want to start an organization dedicated to abolishing the parole system in this country.  I am so tired of seeing these slags released from jail and going out to commit more crimes and create more victims almost immediately.  Maybe some prisoners are rehabilitated, but it is not worth the risk.  I would call this group Die in prison. org.

The new slew of proposals are just as frightening.  Limited government is the newest battle cry, however I wonder how many people follow through their thinking to the logical conclusions.  Nature abhors a vacuum and if you take power away from one group another quickly fills the void.  Limited government is code for corporate control of America with unelected robber-barons calling all the shots.  You’ll get no vote with their policies or for their leaders.  Bad idea. 

Tort reform is another somewhat older cry with the same trick ending.  Using highly publicized reports or runaway jury awards to undeserving plaintiffs to call for reforms, it is a thinly veiled attempt to institute monetary caps or take away your right to sue entirely.  First of all these abuses are exaggerated in the press, and are usually overturned on appeal or simply never paid.  Second, caps will only hurt the people who truly deserve these awards to pay for a lifetime of medical care.  What other type of reform could they implement if not caps?  Who will be deciding which suits are justified and which ones aren’t?  A second set of jurors?  It is the juries job to decide if a case is justified not a lawyer, politician, or insurance company’s.  Some would say that the system is unfair to the insurance industry, but they are the ones that can afford the best lawyers, I’ve seen this first hand.  No one forced these companies to be in the insurance business,  they chose to be in the risk business and their investors chose to buy their stocks.  Risk is their business, and sometimes you lose.

This one is so ludicrous I could hardly believe what I was hearing.  Idiotic town councilmen trying to pass pants ordinances to make people pull up their shorts.  You have got to be kidding right?  In my town the police are so busy with more serious crimes that they will not come out to your house for vandalism of even car break-ins.  So this moron wants to tie up valuable police time and money following around baggy pantsed idiots and handing out fashion tickets.  Probably having to show up in court as well to waste even more time and resources.  I just hope they implement mandatory sentences for these scumbags. 

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