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1o1 Damnations

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I was watching some stupid show where the owner of a company pretends to be a lowly employee- you know- slumming it so he can "know" exactly how the rest of us feel. As if.  Like the knowledge that you don't have to do this low grade demeaning labor, and can go back to your mansion at any time you want doesn't color your perception just a bit.

   A show like that is only good for one or two seasons anyway, or for as many shows that they can tape before the first one airs, because after that, no one is going to be fooled.  No one will believe anyone is making a documentary about Tony and his first day at K-Mart.

  Anywho, this poor hourly schlep is working in a shipping warehouse, where his job is to package up products to ship out.  All these different items come down a conveyer, and he has make an appropriate sized box, put the item in it, fill it with packing materials, seal it up, and properly stick on the shipping label.  Every ninety seconds - or you're fired.. All the while his "co-workers" are muttering about he's just not going to "make it". So much for human dignity.  No person should ever work like a machine, nor should they be expected to. If you want a machine to do a job for you, then buy a machine.  Don't hire a minimum wage nothing and try to frighten a machines day of production out of him by threatening his job. If you have to wait another minute or two for your copy of "Big Jugs", (it's a book about pottery) so be it.

   Now don't get me wrong, when you are "on the clock" you should be working.  But no one can work every second of every hour it's just not possible. Plus these rules never seem to apply across the board, or to the board. Any supervisor, middlemanager, or boardmember feels entitled to stop working, chat, take a break (or many breaks), come in late, and leave early or just screw around all day- leaving the "rules" to be followed by the lowest waged nothings.  As if how much money you make determines how much humanity you are allowed.

   Why companies feel they have to rob their employees of their self-respect to get a days work out of them I'll never understand.  I believe they do this simply to make themselves feel like a big man, because they can force you to comply with a bunch or meaningless or arbitrary rules.  To actually tell your workers that they can be fired for sitting down, when half of their job is looking up things on a computer, has to be nothing but a power trip. Are you really going to fire a good hard working employee because he sat down once. I've known people that would. Crazy, stupid people mind you, but people non the less

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Mark "Appalachian Trail" Sanford won the Republican primary, setting up a run for Congress again. WTF? Are Republicans in love with losing? How does the party of morals nominate a man who cheated on his wife, went AWOL from his job as governor, and ignored his children on father's day to go be with his foreign mistress in a foreign country, and resigning in disgrace. This is the best person the party of morals could produce for this office? This guy?  Who demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt a complete lack of morals, common sense or good judgment? Was everyone else in the state busy?
This is what's wrong with this country. It's not gay marriage, which hurts no one. Or social programs that help the poor, the elderly, and the sick. It's that we keep electing morally bankrupt clowns simply because of name recognition, no matter how they got famous in the first place.

Plus he's running against the sister of Stephen Colbert. Colbert will eviscerate Sanford nightly on his show. I do see this guy standing a chance, just on moral grounds, of which he has none.