

Do not reference this site for facts, accuracy, or even correct spelling. All things written here are my opinions alone, as they sprout from my skull, and are often snap decisions or a rush to judgment based on incomplete or wrong information. I do very little research, minimal fact checking and absolutely no corrections. Anything that happens to also be correct is purely incidental. Take from this site and you do so at your own risk, and I bear no responsibility now, or in the future.



1o1 Damnations

Saturday, December 22, 2012


The NRA (see title) was silent for almost a week after the Sandy Hook shootings leading people to believe that maybe this tragedy was so horrific that even the NRA was forced to do some serious soul searching about their stand on gun control. Alas it was only a pipe dream, as on the one week anniversary of the event they released a statement so ludicrous it defies reasonable explanation. Once again side stepping any responsibility for any gun violence despite the fact they have fought every single proposed restriction, They actually called for the federal government to provide security to protect it's citizens from the people they would allow to have guns. Since they oppose limiting access to weapons They should pay for the security at every school in the country. If the can afford to spend millions lobbying Congress every year, they can afford this.

Why stop at schools? Let's have federal armed security at parks, office buildings, grocery stores, movie theaters, sports arenas. Hell lets just put everyone in camps surrounded by barbed wire and machine gun towers then they can really protect us from the NRA.

So they want the federal government to create a police state despite the fact one of their main reasons for needing guns is to prevent the the government from creating a police state? My dog doesn't make that tight of a circle when he licks his own ass. Makes as much sense as anything else they have ever said. Like "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun." Do I have to point out that a lot of these mass shooters kill themselves? Does that make them the 'good guy' too? maybe we should celebrate Lanza for stopping a mad man.

I'm not really anti-gun. I like guns, shooting shit is fun. But considering the damage they can do they shouldn't be so easily obtained. every gun should have a waiting period, background check, a safety class, maybe even a medical / psych exam- I don't think this is too much to ask for. Barring that then every gun, even pistols should be break action single loading like most shotguns, see how many mass shootings we have with those.

You say the second amendment gives you the right to own a gun? I agree, you can have all the muzzle loading muskets you can carry, because that is the type of gun the founding fathers were writing about. If they could have seen what was coming i guarantee they would have written in some qualifiers. No one would advocate selling small nuclear weapons to anyone who wanted them, and why? because of the amount of damage they could do and people they could kill. Once you admit this, You've finally hit a number you find unacceptable; and that is just hypocrisy. And here is something no one will agree with, just because we have the right to something doesn't mean we have to exercise it. maybe it's time to grow up and admit we as a people are not mature or responsible enough to wield that kind of power over one another, an voluntarily give up our guns for the greater good. Yeah, that gave me a chuckle too.

Friday, December 7, 2012


This effects everyone who pays state or local taxes- please read. You have probably never heard of G. Brint Ryan, but his job is to get as many tax dollars into the hands of corporations as he possibly can. He's very good at his job too, even suing his clients for not going after tax money on the grounds it denied his company the percentage he could have earned.
Tax breaks, free land and buildings, free infrastructure in roads, electrical and water and sewer systems, outright cash incentives to corporate America. In some cases states are giving up $100,000 in tax revenue per job created that pays workers between $20 - $40,000. Yet people complain about a family of four getting $140.00 a month in food stamps. Taxpayers are having to buy their own jobs. These corporate windfalls never make it down to the employees who live in the states that pay for them, they are kept at the top for executives and investors. This is extortion plain and simple. states are paying more per job than the jobs could possibly create in tax revenue, it would be cheaper to pay workers to stay at home. If you tried to blackmail a state like this you would probably go to jail.

Read the full story here;  http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/12/01/us/government-incentives.html

Friday, June 8, 2012


The city of Charlotte, NC - home of this years DNC has graciously established an official protest route blocks away from the convention site, but not during convention hours. They have also provided, out of the goodness or their hearts, a "free speech zone." A-huh. Me to city; F U ! Free speech cannot be "zoned". I for one still live under the Constitution of these United States of America, and I'll speak freely anywhere i wish to, thank you very much. And btw, if you're protesting along a route approved by the authorities, you're not really protesting.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Joe The Dumber

They did it again! Why are repugnantcans insisting on screwing themselves so hard this year? Remember Joe the plumber? Who's name isn't Joe and who is not a plumber? He won a Republican primary in Ohi yesterday for a Congressional run. . . . . I won't say he can't win, I wouldn't put anything past the ignorant voters in this country- But come on Reps, you're not even trying anymore.

So come on repugnantcanss make up your minds, Mitt or get off the pot already so to speak.The only way I can see any of those guys beating Obama is if they find his real birth certificate, and his secret Quran!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

" I " of Newt. . . .

I realize it was a canned GOP audience the other night, but giving Newt Gingrich a standing ovation for being "appalled" and "outraged" that someone would question his character after he cheated on two wives, asked for an open marriage from one, tried to impeach Bill Clinton for doing the same thing he was doing, and being convicted and fined for ethics violations makes the whole state look like a bunch of dumba$$ country bumpkins. And on top of that, a little old lady told a reporter that she voted for Newt because of his "integrity" WTF? SIGH. . . . .

His selfishness is unparalleled. Cheating on two wives was all about him, as was taking divorce papers to a wife fighting cancer in the hospital. The same goes for saying his first wife "wasn't young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a president" or instead of letting the voters decide, telling the other candidates "they should drop out of the race so support could coalesce around ME". That kind of statement reminds me of his old 'contract with America' where he forced all the Republican congressmen to sign a pledge to vote not what would be best for their districts or their constituents, but only how the party tells them to vote. This is what killed the republican party for me, I want a representative who thinks for themselves not just does what they are told. It's clear that the only person Newt Gingrich cares about is Newt gingrich.