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1o1 Damnations

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Mark "Appalachian Trail" Sanford won the Republican primary, setting up a run for Congress again. WTF? Are Republicans in love with losing? How does the party of morals nominate a man who cheated on his wife, went AWOL from his job as governor, and ignored his children on father's day to go be with his foreign mistress in a foreign country, and resigning in disgrace. This is the best person the party of morals could produce for this office? This guy?  Who demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt a complete lack of morals, common sense or good judgment? Was everyone else in the state busy?
This is what's wrong with this country. It's not gay marriage, which hurts no one. Or social programs that help the poor, the elderly, and the sick. It's that we keep electing morally bankrupt clowns simply because of name recognition, no matter how they got famous in the first place.

Plus he's running against the sister of Stephen Colbert. Colbert will eviscerate Sanford nightly on his show. I do see this guy standing a chance, just on moral grounds, of which he has none.

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