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1o1 Damnations

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oily Sheen

         How will we ever recover from such a disgusting blight that has been
 forced on the American people for so long now.  This oily Sheen causes nothing
 but pain and suffering and no good could ever come from such an abomination. 
It is ugly, it stinks, and it continues to befoul and poison everything it touches,
yet there seems to be no way of stopping or ridding ourselves of it.

 Its latest victim? 
The Colorado system of justice.
The oily Sheen I refer to here of course is not the BP gulf spill, but the
sleazy, oily actor known to us all as Charlie Sheen. How many chances does one
person get?  How much justice can seven hundred thousand an episode buy?  All
you want in this country apparently if you are rich and/or famous.  How many
times has he been arrested for DUI?  For domestic violence?  For cavorting with
prostitutes?  Frankly, I do not know nor care, and I'm not going to waste my
time researching it, but it seems like a lot to me.

     Oily Sheen was set to plead guilty to a felony and receive a 30-day(suggested)
jail sentence, but refused the deal when he learned he would not be allowed to
smoke in jail. So the great state of Colorado backed down to the power of the
oily Sheen and offered him a misdemeanor charge with no jail time, anger
management classes(ha!), and 30 days rehab.  With the 90 days oily Sheen has
already spent in rehab awaiting his day in court, it will probably be time served.
Even if it isn't, 30 days in a five star resort for beating up your wife hardly
seems like the kind of justice you or I could expect, but if it was, I think I
could finally start to see the benefits to being married.  Oh, to have such choices
in life! 

    Some justice has been delivered though in the form of a couple of luxury automobiles
belonging to oily Sheen being driven to the nearest cliff side and then pushed off. 
the police seem to think it was an “inside job” but oily Sheen claims to have know
idea how it keeps happening.  To which everyone else screams “It's your wife stupid!”
Don't worry about it though, a half hour or so on the set will pay for both cars lost
so he will be okay.  The whole incident will no doubt leave shame and dishonor the
Colorado system of justice with the taint of a black cancerous blotch that no amount
of Dawn can disperse.

1 comment:

  1. my name is kanib solhat. i love american blogs. we do not have this where is my original home. thank you for allowing me this vote for usa democrats.
