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1o1 Damnations

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Rant Is Overdue

If I see one more of these ignorant tea-baggers driving around in a forty thousand dollar gas guzzling behemoth with a “Don’t tread on me” sticker on the back I’m going to lose it, big time.  What a bunch of selfish, whining cry babies.  Lets have a little perspective here, shall we?  Never in the whole history of the world has there been a country of whom its citizenry has been asked so little, has been less put upon, or had more given to them than the American people.  Unless you happen to be Native or African American of course, then you’ve got tread marks to spare.

Just being born in this country puts you about a 1,000.% ahead of any one else living on this planet.  The indignation with which they decry the wrongs they imagine done to them rings as hollow as their leaders promises to- well, I was going to say what their leaders promise but I have no idea what that might be, other than to “take our country back!”  Take the country back from what?  The voters?  I think these tea-baggers really believe they have been wronged in some way.  The demographics of this country are changing fast and it scares the hell out of them that soon they will be a minority.  This  causes them a fear reaction bordering on panic.  Just what is needed- a bunch of old white panicky voters hopped up on fear and anger.

Right on time to be served by the tea-baggers the only thing they do have to offer other than a witches’ hat full empty slogans, more fear and anger.  You would think by their rhetoric that the current president has been in office for the last twelve years ruining the country.  It’s no wonder their jack-booted thugs stand on the necks of old ladies who oppose them, or is that just Rand Paul supporters?  That Alaskan teacher who hung the “worst governor ever” banner at the Sarah Palin event better watch out or she might be next.  Did you see empress Palin’s reaction when she found out the protester was a teacher?  “oh, one of THOSE” she said as she turned her head while rolling her eyes.  Not a surprising reaction considering the tea-baggers are so far right of the republican party that only the most fanatical bible bangers need apply,  They make no secret of the fact that the religioneers strongly oppose science, learning, and knowledge at every turn.

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