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1o1 Damnations

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kratz Enough!

I see that the Wisconsin district attorney Kenneth  Kratz finally agreed to step down.  Why he was spared the humiliation of being fired I will never understand, but then again there is a lot I do not understand.  Like how does a douche like this putz get to be so arrogant and self important anyway?  Whatever cachet Kratz may have thought he had to control his own destiny after being caught sending sexually explicit texts and emails to the wives of men he was prosecuting for domestic violence was a self-delusion of the highest order.  At first this idiot thought he was just going to continue in his position with no repercussions as if nothing at all had happened.  Even as complaints and calls for his firing mounted, he refused to budge, he would not give up his office.

This is the point where I would have publicly and shamingly(not a real word) fired him, but still he was allowed to stay.  As the pressure grew he decided to magnanimous and offered to “get some counseling” however leaving his job was still out of the question.  Someone thinks an awful lot of themselves don’t they?  How could anyone be so delusional as to think they are so important that not only can they violate every code of ethics but to also decide how or if he should be punished.  Or think that the public outrage would be sated with the idea of him “getting some counseling”.  This idiot presumably went to college.

I’ve always wondered, what do you do after you’ve utterly destroyed your career, obliterated your credibility, and flushed your integrity down the toilet?  What do you say to the next employer when they ask why you left your last position?  Windup, “Well, that’s actually a very funny story.  It seems that I predatorily sexually harassed a lot of women who were already victims of male chauvinist assholes such as myself, violating their trust one more time and possibly killing their faith in men forever.”  Boom.  Out of the park.

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