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1o1 Damnations

Monday, June 17, 2013


Conservatives wrapped up their "Road to the Majority" conference this week with keynote speaker- and hold on to your hats for this one!  ---SARAH PALIN!!!!    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
"People lied and the government spied.  People lied and Americans in Benghazi died."
~ Sarah Palin.
Ignoring the fact that her statement was a less than piss poor, half-assed re-writing of a twelve year old anti-Bush slogan (Bush lied; People Died.), and the fact that she couldn't support domestic spying enough when it was a republican policy, and that she never uttered a single word of protest when diplomatic staff were killed under the bush administration,  how could anyone applaud her ridiculous rhetoric that so hypocritically bashes what she once avidly supported? Not even she could possibly believe the insanity she was spewing.
How could they not see her for what she is? How could anyone fall for such obvious partisan lying? I know there are those on both sides who do it, but it's like the republicans aren't even trying to hide it, or just aren't imaginative enough to pull it off. What do they think this kind of duplicitousness could possibly gain them? Do they think people are that forgetful, or that stupid? Are people that stupid? From the amount of applause that she received, I would have to say "YES"
I can't tell you how infuriating it was to hear a room full of morons applaud and cheer her, but that fury was tempered by the hilarity of the fact that republicans believe that Sarah Palin of all people is their 'road to the majority'.

© C. Erich Dunne june, twenty thirteen.

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