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1o1 Damnations

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Last comment on gun control, because I don't believe anything meaningful or long lasting will come of this. Not as long as we love our "toys" more than we love our children. I am not anti gun, shooting things can be a lot of fun, but I am anti shooting seventy people in two minutes- so I don't necessarily trust my fellow neighbors with that ability either
The second amendment "gives" us the right to own firearms, but just because we have the right to something doesn't mean we have to exercise That right. maybe it's time to grow up and admit that we, as a people are not mature or responsible enough to wield that kind of power over one another, an voluntarily give up our guns for the greater good, and a better society. Yeah, that gave me a chuckle too. Barring that (HA HA) the arms that the founding fathers wrote about were single shot weapons which had to be reloaded after each and every firing. Maybe all guns should be of this type; break action, single shot that must be reloaded. I wonder how many mass shootings could have been pulled off with these limited firearms?
considering the damage guns can do they shouldn't be so easily obtained. every gun should have a waiting period, background check, a safety class, maybe even a medical / psych exam- I don't think this is too much to ask for if you want me to trust you with that kind of firepower.

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