Overheard people discussing where to get school uniforms. School uniforms; good thing they didn't try that shit when I was in school, they would have had to send me home every day.
Isn't it bad enough what schools are doing to these kids? making them all think alike and act the same? Now they have to look and dress in the same unimaginative manner.
What ever happened to individuality? What about independence, thinking for yourself, and the freedom of self expression?
Proponents of uniforms say that students dressing like they want is a distraction. Well I've got news for you Bubby, life is full of distractions -life is a distraction. The sooner they get use to dealing with distractions, the better off they will be.
These same types also complain about the "nanny-state", yet they are happy to teach children that they needn't think for themselves, the authority will tell them everything they need to know -even how to dress properly.
"They tried this school uniform stuff back in the 30's already. I know I've seen the films. It's hard to tell what's going on though, it's all in German." ~ George Carlin.
"when someone tells you there is no "I" in team, tell them 'but there is in individuality and independence!" ~ George Carlin (Again)
© C. Erich Dunne august, twenty-thirteen.