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1o1 Damnations

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

" I " of Newt. . . .

I realize it was a canned GOP audience the other night, but giving Newt Gingrich a standing ovation for being "appalled" and "outraged" that someone would question his character after he cheated on two wives, asked for an open marriage from one, tried to impeach Bill Clinton for doing the same thing he was doing, and being convicted and fined for ethics violations makes the whole state look like a bunch of dumba$$ country bumpkins. And on top of that, a little old lady told a reporter that she voted for Newt because of his "integrity" WTF? SIGH. . . . .

His selfishness is unparalleled. Cheating on two wives was all about him, as was taking divorce papers to a wife fighting cancer in the hospital. The same goes for saying his first wife "wasn't young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a president" or instead of letting the voters decide, telling the other candidates "they should drop out of the race so support could coalesce around ME". That kind of statement reminds me of his old 'contract with America' where he forced all the Republican congressmen to sign a pledge to vote not what would be best for their districts or their constituents, but only how the party tells them to vote. This is what killed the republican party for me, I want a representative who thinks for themselves not just does what they are told. It's clear that the only person Newt Gingrich cares about is Newt gingrich.