

Do not reference this site for facts, accuracy, or even correct spelling. All things written here are my opinions alone, as they sprout from my skull, and are often snap decisions or a rush to judgment based on incomplete or wrong information. I do very little research, minimal fact checking and absolutely no corrections. Anything that happens to also be correct is purely incidental. Take from this site and you do so at your own risk, and I bear no responsibility now, or in the future.



1o1 Damnations

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Revenge List

SteelCo Stool Co.

Carolina’s Medical Center

Mecklenburg County Government

Mitsubishi Motor Company

Time Warner Cable


Kidney Fund

The Republican Party

The Democratic Party

Boy Scouts of America

The Green Party

Girl Scouts of America

Wal Mart

Michael Moore


The Cast, Directors, and Producers of the films “AI” and "the thin red line"



Thursday, November 4, 2010

Trust SunTrust

Normally I use this site for complaining only, but today i have nothing but good things to say and about a financial institution at that.  Today I had a somewhat serious problem that required me to actually visit a bank branch, something I do very rarely or never if possible.  I think we all know why.  However today things went extremely smoothly thanks in no small part to a gentleman named Gino Costa.  He was very professional but most of all helpful, I cannot say enough about the level of customer service I received especially in light of the paltry amount of profitable business I can give them.

So if you like being treated well and actually helped on occasion I strongly suggest you trust all your banking needs to SunTrust.  I was in no way compensated for this endorsement.  Thank you for your attention in this matter.