

Do not reference this site for facts, accuracy, or even correct spelling. All things written here are my opinions alone, as they sprout from my skull, and are often snap decisions or a rush to judgment based on incomplete or wrong information. I do very little research, minimal fact checking and absolutely no corrections. Anything that happens to also be correct is purely incidental. Take from this site and you do so at your own risk, and I bear no responsibility now, or in the future.



1o1 Damnations

Friday, January 16, 2015


People who think Obama is soft on terror are listening to neo-con chicken hawks who think we can take over the entire middle east, make them all do what we want because God is on our side. Newsflash, they think the same thing. Every attack creates more terrorists than it kills, not less. They seem to really think you can "kill 'em all!" that you could actually wipe out a whole other way of thinking or culture. It's never happened in the history of the world, and it never will. Nevermind that actions speak louder than words and that Obama has done more to combat terrorism than the other world leaders combined. Because he won’t call all Muslims terrorists or attend photo ops it means he supports the terrorists.
You know who was really soft? Who suffered all kinds of abuse and attacks, all kinds of degradation. Who never fought back or sought revenge. Who never tortured or killed anyone?
. . . Jesus.

Somali pirates taken out, Osama Bin Laden killed, numerous terrorist leaders taken out with drone strikes, rescue operations launched, forced Assad to hand over chemical weapons, stood up to and stymied Putin, forced change in Iraqi leadership, confronted and contained ISIL,
 . . . . Yeah, weak on foreign policy.

Friday, September 12, 2014


"An F-16 is not a strategy, someone's boots have to be on the ground."
- John boehner.
How about I buy you a pair of boots Mr. Boehner?
Given who's in the most danger here I say the boots on the ground should be Iraqi, Syrian, Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, and maybe even Iranian . . .
I say we all send Mr. Boehner a pair of boots seeing that he is so eager to see "boots on the ground" in Syria. So let us start a campaign; everyone who's tired of these professional chicken-hawks who can't get enough of sending other peoples' children to die in some foreign hell hole send John Boehner a pair of boots so he can be the first one "one the ground". Who is with me?

Just send a pair of boots, any old boots will do to :
John Boehner 1011 Longworth H.O.B. Washington, DC 20515
add a little hand written note to the effect like "Dear Mr. Boehner, here are the boots you requested, Have a nice trip."

© C. Erich Dunne,  september twenty-fourteen.

Friday, November 1, 2013


SNAP cuts today! Soon to be followed by much, much more cuts over the next two years!
Hey, GOP! Jesus said "Suffer the little children. . ." not "Make the little children suffer!"

No, the system isn't perfect -but show me the one that is. They should be looking for and eliminating [and in some cases prosecuting] cheaters, but they don't want that. They want to punish everyone by just cutting the program all together. They should verify people when they apply, Investigate others when the have cause, but thoroughly investigating everyone would probably cost more than it would save. I would rather a few cheaters get through than to deny someone in real need. Plus with  all of the financial abuses [wage inequity, investment scamming, unfair and exorbitant fees, corporate tax breaks and refunds for paying no taxes in the first place, and outright theft] committed against the people in this country by banks, wallstreet, corporations, and credit card companies, poor people getting food stamps doesn't even make my top ten list.

If even a tenth of the fake outrage and scorn that is heaped upon the the poor was directed at the corporate robberbarons that caused the financial collapse that cost the world trillions, it could make a real difference.

©  C.  Erich Dunne. november, twenty-thirteen.

Friday, September 27, 2013


I heard a very interesting and enlightening way of thinking about the effects of global climate change and why it is so important to act on it now.
Imagine a nice tranquil lake. One day a single lillypad appears on the lake. The next day there are two lilypads, the day after that, four. then on day five there are eight, and on day six there are sixteen and so on and so forth.

(day 8;128, day 9;256, day10;512...)
And they keep doubling every day. There is still plenty of room, so you hardly notice the problem.
(day13 =4,096, day14 =-8,192, day15 =16,384. . . )
Now, the lake will be completely full (you don't want that to happen, it will choke off and kill the lake!) on the 30th day.
(day19 =262,144, day20 =524,288, day21 =1,048,576. . . )
Assuming you will not notice a problem developing until the lake is at least half full, . .
(day24 =8,388,608, day25 =16,777,216, day26 =33,554,432, . . .)
Once the lake is half full, how many days will you have left to try to avert the disaster? On what day will the lake become half full?
(day 27 =67,108,864, day28 =134,217,728,. . . )
The answer; the lake will be half full on the twenty-ninth day!
(day 29 =268,435,456,. . . DAY 30 =536,870,912. )
A good example of how things can accumulate,how quickly it can overwhelm and get out of control. Just like the destruction of the environment, once it's obvious there is a problem it's too late to stop it. But if you look closely, you can see the warning signs before it is too late.

© C. Erich Dunne. . . . september, twenty-thirteen.